
Bypass pairipcore sign check

 Bypass pairipcore sign check

In this blog we will learn to bypass pairipcore sign check

Here is the demo app-

Convert it to apk but keep it unsigned

view apk

open the dex in dex editor plus

goto com.pairip.application.Application class

go inside the class
goto this class
locate the class
Copy the class path

 goto AndroidManifest.xml


      and find this line under     <application

      Replace the com.pairip.application.Application with the application class then save it and uncheck the sign apk option and keep the app unsigned.

Open the killed apk in dex editor plus and search

invoke-static {}, Lcom/pairip/StartupLauncher;->launch()V

and remove the line...

Done killing pairipcore.
Tools used-
PS-This method olny work pairipcore before 13/6/2023 the new method need more work i will write a blog on it soon.
